Launch of the Transatlantic Essay Collection

The Coalition for Global Prosperity have launched our first Transatlantic Essay Collection: “Sinews of Global Prosperity”.

Our nations are long-standing friends and allies. As threats to democracy increase and as Russia, China and some non-state actors become increasingly belligerent, bringing distinct challenges to national security and our way of life, the UK and US must lead as a force for good. Global challenges such as climate change, health and food insecurity are becoming more acute for developing countries in particular, showcasing the need for a strengthened transatlantic alliance with geostrategic and shared values at its heart.

The collection includes contributions from multiple politicians and policymakers from the UK and US, including Rt Hon Alistair Burt, former Minister of State for the Middle East and at the Department for International Development; Rt Hon Hilary Benn MP, Chair of the Committee on the Future Relationship with the European Union and former UK Secretary of State for International Development, former US Ambassador to NATO and United States Special Representative for Ukraine Negotiations.

At the launch, we heard from Sir Peter Westmacott KCMG LVO, Former UK Ambassador to the United States about the importance of the Special Relationship and the need for the UK and the USA to continue to be leading forces for good on the world stage.

You can download a copy of the report here.


Global Britain Podcast: Ian Byrne MP


Landmines and unexploded ordnance will endanger the lives of Ukrainian people for years to come